The work of the Emese and the Isoro Traditional Council of Chiefs as the Caretakers, Guardians, and Repository of the Ifa Tradition of Orisa and Ancestor Worship continues amidst considerable social and political turmoil in Nigeria. We pray that Olodumare, Orisa, Irunmoles, and Ancestors protect them while they are awake and while they sleep. Ase! Ase! Ase!
The Council recently sent me the first part of a series of teachings on the History of the Sixteen Major Odu Ifa. You’ll find a link to the Emese Library at the bottom of this Post. The information in the Emese Library is presented without comment and edited only for punctuation and formatting. The Ile Awo Orisa Blog is a good place for us to explore our thoughts, comments, and questions that the library materials evoke.
Bi owe, bi owe, ru Ifa soro!
Like proverbs, like proverbs is how Ifa Speaks!
The Orisa Orunmila, also called Ifa, is the Source of the Ifa Literary Corpus. The Odu Ifa are called the children of Orunmila. The Sacred Odus and the Ese Ifa (Ifa verses) within them were caused to be by Olodumare for the purpose of helping Orunmila in the human world for the mission he is being sent from Orun, that is, to assist humans in achieving their chosen destinies. Orunmila and the Odus accomplish this task by speaking to us in proverbs and using the Orisas, humans, objects, animals, plants, birds, insects, trees, and other aspects of nature to teach us through the example of others. Even the Sacred Odus themselves are part of the exemplary tales in the Sacred Oracles of Ifa.
The history begins by telling us that ‘things are subject to change’. This fact is made clear because according to the history Olodumare changed the order of the Odus after testing their character and Ori. The order of the Odus, according to the Sacred Order of Orunmila was based on the behaviors and choices of the Odus. So it is with you and me! In Ifa we believe that our journey in life depends on both predestination (the choices we made in heaven before coming into the world) and individual effort (the choices we make once we come into the world). As you read the history of how Eji Ogbe came to be the first of the Sixteen Major Odu Ifa the importance of your and my individual choices will become very clear. In Ifa, predestination is always associated with Ori (inner head), and Ori is considered to be the symbol of the power of free choice that you received in heaven before making your journey. You will also be able to see How Ifa Speaks to us in the Ifa Literary Corpus.
In Ifa, we also have a strong belief in the existence of supernatural powers that can affect our lives for better or for ill. Your Ori is your guide to assist you in maintaining the support of the good supernatural powers, the gods (Orisa) and the Ancestors (Oku Orun). It is also your means of protection from the negative (evil) supernatural powers, the Ajogun (the Belligerent Enemies of Humans) and the Eniyan or Eleye (Witches). When you read the History of Oyeku Meji you will see how Ifa reminds you that your life in this world requires that you interact with these supernatural powers in order to achieve your destiny. This Odu Ifa talks more about heaven and death. Just as Eji Ogbe is more concerned about the earth, so Oyeku Meji is more concerned about heaven. Together they show you the two legs that you must stand on in order to successfully walk your path in life and achieve your chosen destiny.
Iba se Orunmila, e leri ipin, ibekeji Olodumare!
Homage to Orunmila, Witness of Fate, Second to the Creator!
Link to Emese Library
Ise Olorun Tobi! God’s Work is Great and Mighty!
Ki Olodumare, Orisa, ati Egun fifun e ni
Itona, Imoye, ati Opo Ire!
Itona, Imoye, ati Opo Ire!
My Olodumare, Orisa, and Ancestors bestow on you
Guidance, Wisdom, and Abundant Blessings!
Adura: An Ifa Prayer Book For Beginners (Preview)