A Babalawo was helping returning my love by my birthday that is in 2 days. We have done many rituals. Dirt from his house and scattered at four Corners of mine, a black and white beaded necklace that I broke into nine sections and scattered in 3 days. I wear a green necklace. Water under My bed, white ribbons tied to my bed Posts. Nothing is happening. Can you help me? (I’ve edited only spelling and grammar.)
When I first read the email I wasn’t sure exactly what the writer was trying to express. In fact the expression helping returning my love conjured up images from Day Two of my Journey to the Root when a young boy named Yemi stepped in front of our car and was killed. As I described in my journal there was a point during the day when Yemi’s father demanded that we drive his family and their dead son’s body to their Church so that the Preacher could raise Yemi from the dead. What exactly did the writer mean? It also concerned me that there was a specific timeline for Orisa to act. I responded:
Ifokanbale! Peace of Mind from Olodumare!
Unfortunately you did not tell me exactly what you and your Babalawo are trying to do (returning my love) and I am unable to address your concerns. I pray that Olodumare, your Ori, and your Orisa will guide you to your chosen Destiny!
Alafia ati Imo! Peace and Knowledge!
While commenting on the lack of clarity about the purpose for the ceremony I wanted to avoid making any statement that might cause the writer to experience any further doubt in either the ceremony or her Babalawo. That is why I provided a link to the On Becoming A Babalawo section of the Ile Awo Orisa web site. Note also the ending prayer does not mention the Babalawo, because the Babalawo is not the Carrier of the person’s Destiny.
The writer’s next correspondence stated simply:
Can you not do this?
Here is my reply:
I can sense your strong desire for this to happen but this is not something that I would be involved in under these circumstances. If I were trying to assist you we would first want to know if this is something that you want OR if this is something that your Ori has ordained for you. [Orimi Apere! My Ori, Carrier of my Destiny!]. As your birthday has now arrived and passed I pray you heart can hear the wisdom and guidance of your Ori. Your Ori will not allow something to happen that is not On Path for you. If you force a matter that goes against your Ori you create cracks and attract negative consequences.
Alafia ati Imo! Peace and Knowledge!
There is a great lesson here to help us understand the nature of Ifa. There is much that we do not know about the writer and her love but it seems reasonable to conclude that at least one of them made the choice to end the relationship. If that is what their Ori has guided them to do, and if you ask Orisa to make them come back to you, what you are doing is asking Orisa to put their physical Ori into conflict with their Spiritual Ori. Can you see that no good could come to you from doing such a thing? To not only summon Orisa to do this for you, but also to put a specific timeline on their actions may reflect a lack of spiritual development. To love someone enough to let him or her go is the highest form of love. If the person that you love cannot achieve their Destiny in their relationship with you why would you selfishly hold them back from their Destiny, the primary reason that they chose to come into the world?
In my opinion the most important thing for the Babalawo to determine is whether the writer’s Ori sanctions the relationship. In other words, perhaps the ebos, rituals, and ceremonies should be performed to bring true love into the writer’s life rather than to return someone against their will. When we ask the Orisa and Imoles to assist us in fulfilling some ambition or goal we must remember that every change in anything changes everything. In order to answer your prayer the entire Universe has to be reconfigured to accommodate a new reality that includes the answer to your prayers. This takes time! Sometimes Orisa will call for a devotee to do an ebo. I tell the devotee to call me when they have completed the ebo so that I can consult to see if the Orisa accepted the ebo. On occasions Orisa will say immediate that the ebo has been accepted. On other occasions Orisa will say wait and consult again in three days or seven days. I always take this to mean that something remains to be done to reconfigure the Universe before the agreement between the devotee and the Orisa is sealed.
The Orisa are not like rich grandparents whose sole purpose in life is to spoil us by fulfilling our every desire. Orimi Apere! My Ori, Carrier of my Destiny! Your Ori is the Carrier of Your Destiny and is determined to guide you to those choices that will lead you to fulfill the purpose for which you chose to come into the world. The Orisa cannot affect change in your life if your Ori does not permit it. The Babalawo cannot affect change in your life if your Ori does not permit it. You cannot affect positive change in your life if you do not listen to and trust your Spiritual Ori.
Orimi Apesin! My Ori, the Most Precious!
Ise Olorun Tobi! God’s Work is Great and Mighty!
Ki Olodumare, Orisa, ati Egun fifun e ni
Itona, Imoye, ati Opo Ire!
Itona, Imoye, ati Opo Ire!
My Olodumare, Orisa, and Ancestors bestow on you
Guidance, Wisdom, and Abundant Blessings!
Adura: An Ifa Prayer Book For Beginners (Preview)
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